MiSAC News Archive |
Tiger mosquito threat to bring Dengue fever to the 2024 Paris Olympics
The very invasive Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has spread from southern Europe to Paris, France. It transmits various diseases, such as dengue fever. Increased international travel from countries where dengue is endemic has also increased the risk of imported cases, and boosted the risk of local outbreaks.

Image: James Gathany, Centers for diseases Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library
The warnings explored in the recent very popular MiSAC competition, Neglected Tropical Diseases and Climate Change, could soon become reality for people living in more-temperate countries. Nearly 100 UK schools and also over 50 establishments in SE Asia countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, submitted entries and around 1000 students researched how the warming effects of climate change are allowing the vectors carrying many tropical diseases to spread to new environments.
Start thinking about removing stagnant water on balconies and in gardens, where mosquitoes can breed, and stockpiling insect repellent!
Fungi Connect
The British Mycological Society has chosen October 5th 2024 as its UK Fungus Day. School children up to age 18 are encouraged to become inspired by fungi and to submit their own pieces of work to celebrate the fungal kingdom. The deadline for submissions to the BMS is October 1st 2024. Click on the Fungi Connect illustration to download the flyer

The Quekett Microscopical Club's Annual Exhibition 2022: Quekex
Quekex, the Club's annual exhibition, will take place on Saturday, 15th October 2022 at Elm Court Youth and Community Centre, 363 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3BP. Quekex offers a physical event, alongside an online programme, including exhibits, awards, lectures and gossip. So, if you're interested in microscopy, live nearby and wondered what the Club can offer you, please visit on the 15th. Alternatively, on the day, explore the online programme. For details, visit: https://www.quekett.org/about/programme/annual-exhibition-of-microscopy-2022
If you are reading this after October 15th, an illustrated report of the Quekex event will be posted on the Quekett web site and those awarded certificates will remain in an appropriate gallery in the members-only area. An idea of the quality of the images is available here: https://www.quekett.org/about/images-from-the-website
A Guide to Vaccinations for COVID-19
This guide, produced by the British Society for Immunology, explains how vaccines work and answers common questions, as well as providing up-to-date information on the current approved COVID-19 vaccinations in the UK. Click here to download the guide.
COVID-19 Worksheets
Dr Mark Levesley has produced a suite of 21 worksheets, freely available, for work at KS3 and 4 which links Covid-19 to various topics in biology. Each worksheet has 3 pages, providing information, questions & exercises and answers. A further suite of worksheets does not provide the answers. Click here for the Covid-19 worksheets web site.
Climate Change: Microbes as our Allies
This new publication has recently been issued by the Microbiology Society in which research has shown how microbes can be used to avoid climate catastrophes. Click here to download the document.
Blue tongue virus |
Pseudomonas fluorescens |
Oxytricha sp. |
Penicillium chrysogenum |
Microasterias sp. |