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MiSAC UK Annual Competition 2025 Competition:
Human Fungal Diseases and
Antifungal Drug Resistance
A competition was introduced in 1985 in the UK to enhance student interest in microbiology. It became an annual event in 1994 and the MiSAC Annual Competition for Key Stages 3 and 4 (or equivalent) now attracts up to 2,000 student entries each year.

Each year, the topic chosen for the competition in the UK is linked to the National Curriculum. Special sponsorship provides money prizes totalling £1,240 for students and their schools. Each student entrant receives a certificate.

In 2014, the experience gained over the years by organising the UK competition helped in the development of the first mycology competition for schools in Thailand. In subsequent years, further competitions have been held for students in Thailand and China.

In 2024, the International Association for the Future Stem Workforce (IAFSW) https://www.iafsw.org approached MiSAC to initiate collaboration in running a joint annual competition in the UK and in E & SE Asia. Asian students will enter the same competition as their UK counterparts, although there will be minor differences. Their entries will be considered on a par with those in the UK, with winning students' names and entries being displayed on both MiSAC and IAFSW web sites. For details of the collaboration, click on the link to International Competitions in Asia.

Previous UK competitions

International Competitions in Asia



Click image to download flyer.

Annual Competition Entry Form

Download the Word file entry form to your
computer for recording your students' data.
Please TYPE in your school details and students'
names for the KS3 &/or KS4 competition (S1/2
&/or S3/4 in Scotland). After you have completed
the form
, print out a copy to submit along
with the students' entries.

Click here to download the MiSAC 2025 Competition entry form.

Blue tongue virus Pseudomonas fluorescens Oxytricha sp. Penicillium chrysogenum Microasterias sp.
Blue tongue virus   Pseudomonas fluorescens   Oxytricha sp   Penicillium chrysogenum   Microasterias sp

British Mycological Society; British Society for Parasitology;CLEAPSS; Microbiology Society; NCBE; The Quekett Microscopical Club; SSERC

Registered Charity no. 289163 ©MiSAC

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