Links and publications |
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Specific web site resources >>
Publications: resources for practical activities >>
Publications: general microbiology texts >>
Suppliers >> |
Other organisations |
for Science Education
Promoting excellence in science teaching and learning |
Journals (Education in Science; School Science Review), books (e.g. Topics in Safety, Be safe!), health & safety, conferences, CPD |
www.schoolscience.co.uk |
Association of
the British Pharmaceutical Industry
The voice of the UK pharmaceutical industry |
careers |
www.abpicareers.org.uk |
Mycological Society
Promoting fungal science |
magazine (Mycologist News),
outreach |
www.britmycolsoc.org.uk |
British Society for Parasitology
The leading academic society to promote and support the study of parasitology |
Educational resources, factsheets, Bugbitten Blog. Parasitology journal, outreach |
www.bsp.uk.net |
Supporting practical science and technology |
Resources, Bulletin, health & safety,
courses, members’ Helpline |
science.cleapss.org.uk/(Secondary Schools)
primary.cleapss.org.uk/(Primary Schools)
Health and
Safety Executive
Preventing death, injury and ill health in Britain’s workplaces |
The approved list of biological agents
(categorisation of micro-organisms according to hazard; those suitable
for use in schools are drawn from Hazard Group 1) |
www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/misc208.pdf |
Institute for Research in Schools
Supporting school students and teachers to develop authentic research in schools. |
Make data accessible to schools, teacher support via webinars/other resources, loan of scientific research equipment. Research conferences. |
www.researchinschools.org |
Microbiology Society
Promoting the science and
significance of microbiology for over 60 years |
magazine (Microbiology Today),
books, courses, health & safety, careers, school membership, outreach |
microbiologysociety.org/careers.html |
National Centre for Biotechnology Education
The first school biotechnology centre in the world, established in 1985 |
materials, equipment, cultures, courses, health & safety |
www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk |
Quekett Microscopical Club
The leading organisation, founded in 1865, for people interested in the microscope and microscopy |
The Club is for amateur and professional light microscopists, with information on all aspects of microscopy and photomicrography |
www.quekett.org |
Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew
Producing and communicating basic and applied information about plant-
and fungal-related topics
School visits,
courses, outreach, CPD
www.kew.org |
Royal Society of
The voice for UK biology, working to influence policy and strategy in
biology-based research and teaching |
journals (Journal of Biological
Education; Biologist), BioEd e-newsletter,
competitions, workshops, careers, school membership, CPD |
www.rsb.org.uk |
Science and
Plants for Schools
Improving teaching and learning in plant science by providing
practical resources |
courses |
www.saps.org.uk |
Schools Equipment Research Centre
Supporting science and technology education in Scotland |
Bulletin, courses, health & safety, members’ SafetyNet menu, CPD |
Society for
Applied Microbiology
The voice of applied microbiology |
Magazine (Microbiologist) |
www.sfam.org.uk |
Wellcome Trust
Promoting contemporary science in the curriculum and enabling young
people to engage with biomedical science |
conferences, courses, outreach |
www.wellcome.ac.uk |
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Specific web site resources
Cholera and the Thames |
KS2 teachers pack, animations and online games to teach about London's battle against cholera in the nineteenth century and the continuing battle being fought against it today. |
e-Bug |
Resource on
antibiotics and hygiene for KS2 and KS3 in the classroom and at home (EU
project led by Health Protection Agency) |
(in several European languages) |
Initiative for Biotechnology Education (EIBE)
biotechnology units
(see MiSAC briefings 3 EIBE biotechnology units) |
investigations, role play, debate, drama and background information in 19
units (EU project) |
(in several European languages) |
Fungi4Schools |
techniques, English names for fungi, FAQs (British Mycological Society)
www.davidmoore.org.uk/Assets/fungi4schools/index.htm |
Microscopes 4 schools |
Resources for children, teachers, parents and scientists to set up their own activities with microscopes.
www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/microscopes4schools/ Assets/fungi4schools/index.htm |
Pond life
identification kit
Simple guide
to microscopic pond life; virtual pond dip (Microscopy-UK)
www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/pond/index.html |
biology |
Tried and
tested practical activities (Nuffield Foundation-Society of Biology project
in association with CLEAPSS)
practicalbiology.org |
Recycle now
Practical guide to recycling anything [Waste Recycling Awareness Project (WRAP) www.recyclenow.com
Composting: www.recyclenow.com/howtocompost |
(see MiSAC briefings 1 Food from fungi)
background, nutrition, recipes, FAQs (Marlow Foods Ltd) |
(in several languages)
www.mycoprotein.org |
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Publications: resources for practical activities
Basic Practical Microbiology – a Manual (2006) Microbiology Society, ISBN 0 95368
383 4 (techniques, activities, health & safety).
Be safe! (2010) 4th edition. Association for Science Education (advice for primary schools).
Practical Microbiology for Secondary Schools (2008) Microbiology Society,
ISBN 0 95368 382 6 (21 investigations,
written by the Microbiology in Schools Advisory Committee).
Safeguards in the School Laboratory 12th edition. Association for
Science Education.
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Publications: general
microbiology texts
Brock’s Biology of Micro-organisms 12th ed. (2008) by M T Madigan,
J M Martinko, P V Dunlap & D P Clark, pp 1168. Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 978 0 13 232460 1 (earlier editions also useful).
Prescott’s Microbiology 8th ed. (2010) by J Willey, L Sherwood
& C Woolverton, pp 1070. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978 0 07 735013 0 (earlier editions also useful).
Prescott’s Principles of Microbiology 1st ed. (2008) by J Willey, L
Sherwood & C Woolverton, pp 1070. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 987 0 07 128367 0 (paperback).
Introductory Microbiology (1996) by J Heritage, E G V Evans & R A
Killington, pp 234. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 44977 4.
Microbiology in Action (1999)
by J Heritage, E G V Evans & R A Killington, pp 290.
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521
62912 8.
of Microbiology and Molecular Biology 3rd ed. Revised (2006) by P Singleton & D Sainsbury, pp. 908. ISBN 978 0 470 03545 0 (earlier editions
also useful) |
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Some suppliers of
cultures, culture media, materials and equipment for microbiology
Beecroft and
Partners Ltd |
Algae, culture media and antibiotic discs. |
www.beecroft-science.co.uk |
Biological Ltd |
Bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa; culture media, antibiotic discs, and a limited range of equipment. |
www.blades-bio.co.uk |
Biological |
Bacteria, algae, culture media, materials and equipment. |
www.darwinbiological.co.uk |
Centre for Biotechnology Education |
range of bacteria and fungi; materials and equipment (including for molecular
biology) |
www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk |
Philip Harris
Bacteria, culture media, antibiotic discs, kits and microbiology equipment. |
www.philipharris.co.uk |
Laboratory Suppliers Ltd |
Bacteria, fungi, culture media, antibiotic discs, kits and microbiology equipment. |
www.timstar.co.uk |
VITTA Education |
Cultures and culture media, antibiotic discs, kits and microslide sets |
www.vittaeducation.com |
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Blue tongue virus |
Pseudomonas fluorescens |
Oxytricha sp. |
Penicillium chrysogenum |
Microasterias sp. |