Click here to read the report on the 2024 competition.
Winning entries (click to open slideshow)
Click here to view the PowerPoint slideshow of winners
First Prize: ($120/each student) Leyah Dulsa, Alexa Lucille Tud, John Joshua Anac-anac and Angelyn Javison; Teacher: Stanley B. Manaay – Salvacion National High School, The Philippines
Second Prize: ($60/each student) Queen Mary Lipaopao, Yaella Rose Briones, Mars Cheester Bulanon and Michaela Manzanero; Teacher: Sherah S. de los Santos – Sagay National High School,: The Philippines
Third Prize: ($30/each student) Bonaventura Khrisna Chrysologus; Teacher: Fitri Nuraeni Rachmayanti S.Pol.Gr – Sma Negeri 6 Purworejo School, Indonesia
Commended for Scientific Information:
Julie Jean Palcat, Jhonemar Diabakid, Rey Jauod and Rendel Batoc; Teacher: Jenelyn D. Ladaga – Salvacion National High School, The Philippines
Commended for Attractive Visual Impact:
Keysah Amanda Maharani; Teacher: Andri Mangestiwi – Sma Negeri 1 Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia
Commended for Innovation:
Mawali Ahmad Zuhdi Chrysologus; Teacher: Imas Masturoh – Mumtaza Islamic Junior High School, Indonesia